Monday, August 24, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Role of Curriculum Design in Learning Experiences Research Paper
The Role of Curriculum Design in Learning Experiences - Research Paper Example The impacts of pondering educational plan and subjects and issues identifying with tutoring or potentially society on the authorized learning encounters of the instructors and decide if this announcement can be concurred or differ upon with introducing proper realities and reasons. Before dissecting the above-gave articulation regarding concurring or differing the equivalent, there lays the need of obtaining a short thought regarding the idea of the points just as the issues connected with tutoring or society that affect the learning encounters established by the instructors. Logically, the nature of the points and the issues connected with tutoring or society can be clearly noted as advancing readiness and reinforcing essential perusing just as composing aptitudes (Malaguzzi, 1994, p. 1-75). Reasonably, by concentrating on these highlights, the learning encounters authorized by the teachers will turn out to be very outcome situated (SAGE Publications, n.d., p. 2-36). There lays the prerequisite of comprehension the socio-social factors that impact an educational program and its execution while concurring that the ordered learning encounters of the teachers get affected by how they consider a particular educational program and the themes alongside the issues identifying with tutoring or society. In such manner, the socio-social factors that impact an educational plan and its usage incorporate social characters, populace and expanded expectations for everyday comforts among others. These elements decidedly impact the ordered learning encounters of the instructors by making them center around building up the undeviating educational plan guidelines (SAGE Publications, n.d., p. 2-36). Aside from comprehension the socio-social factors that impact an educational plan and its execution, there additionally lays the need of fathoming the information and systems that help students’ commitment with a particular educational plan.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
How Not to Fail College Test
How Not to Fail College Test 5 Ways Not to Fail College Test Home›Education Posts›5 Ways Not to Fail College Test Education PostsCollege test is one of the most difficult tasks during the whole year. It is highly important not to fail college test as this may lead to bad consequences. A lot of students are nervous before exams as they are not prepared to it. They are afraid of tests since during the year they laze around. But students should work hard and find time for studying since exams are around the corner.For this very reason, offers 5 useful ways not to fail college test:• Make notes. Students should always make notes during class. Professors give useful information during lectures which will then be in exams. That is why, don’t be lazy to take some notes.• Be attentive during class. Questions and tasks which will be in the test are always explained during classes. Pay attention to the professor’s words as this will help you to be more prepared and know more informatio n during your exams. This will reduce time for preparing for the test.• Do all assignments. If you write all papers and do all needed assignments during the year, this will help you during test. Doing all tasks greatly increases your chances to receive a good grade during exam.• Review information a day before the test. A day before the test, read all your notes again, this will help you to remember all essential points. It is very important to review the information as you will easily remember those points which you read yesterday.• Relax during test. Don’t be nervous during exam. When people are nervous, they forget important things. Take your time, pull yourself together, and everything will be alright.Consider these recommendations and don’t forget that college is a place where you should study. If you study during the year, you won’t have to worry about the tests.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Ethnic Racism And Colonialism Are The Leading Cause Behind...
Ethnic Racism and Colonialism are the leading cause behind Mental Health In Reserves. Mental Health is a universal factor that affects every individual, no matter geographical location, ethnicity, gender or age. Often Mental Health can be the factor that leads to ethnic racism or geographical inequality. But both factors lie hand in hand in regards to Mental Health. In this case ethnic Racism and geographical inequalities is found to be the leading factor in the cause of mental health in Indigenous reserves around the world, especially in Northern Canada. Reserves such as the Indigenous Cree community of Attawapiskat whose land was taken and used as a resource mine and the soil was used as space for a diesel leak or the Slavi-Loucheux†¦show more content†¦Although many people believe this is the right way to proceed due to the enormous rate of Aboriginal criminals in jail, but often the reason they reside in this situation is due to the limited resources they have resulting in fending themselves and committing street-crimes. We are the cause behind why they s trive to keep their culture and reserve alive and in a livable standards. Because of the geographical inequalities and ethnic racism target towards their culture, they experience increasing rates of mental health thus causing poor health and a declining population. What is Ethnic Inequalities? Ethnic Racism is an occurrence that Indigenous population experience everyday, during work, going off the reserves, attending school or even mundane chores. A striking 97% of Indigenous individuals have experienced racism within a year time span, while 70% have been targets of more then eight counts of racist situations. (Adams et al. 2014) Many of our laws were made to created a set of boundaries that decrease their ability to fit in with out society and voice their opinions and concerns. Non-Aboriginals saw the reserve population to be below us and titled them as â€Å"savages†due to the lack of sanitation, intelligence, health, and income. Those factors affect many of the Indigenous tribes because of the inequalities we have placed onto their reserves. Inequalities such as the lack of medical help or the vast amount of
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Classic Drucker Book Report Free Essays
Classic Drucker Book Report Recently, I had the pleasure of reading â€Å"Classic Drucker†. The book contains 15 articles from Peter Drucker that were printed in the â€Å"Harvard Business Review†. I chose a few takeaways with an explanation on why I chose them and how they can apply to your career. We will write a custom essay sample on Classic Drucker Book Report or any similar topic only for you Order Now 1. â€Å"Whenever you make a key decision, write it down. †Next to it, write down what you expect the end result will be. †As you compile these decisions, review each on after an extended period of time. You will be surprised of your results and over time you may get increasingly accurate on your expected results. 2. â€Å"Mathematicians are born, but everyone can learn trigonometry. †Some people are just naturally more intelligent than others but at the same time, we can learn some of the components of what they know, and know those components just as much as they can. 3. â€Å"Manners enable two people to work together whether they like each other or not. †The words â€Å"please†and â€Å"thanks†go a long way in the business world. I even go as far as saying thanks when someone gives me a new assignment. At times they seem surprised but to be genuinely appreciative will show commitment to the team. 4. â€Å"Too many people work in ways that are not their ways, and that almost guarantees nonperformance†. Your peers may have work habits that are not the same as yours but that doesn’t make them non productive. Productivity revolves around results, not one’s arrival time, or the fact that a person prefers to wear headphones while they work. 5. â€Å"To be effective in an organization, a person’s values must be compatible with the organization’s values†. I interpreted this to mean, I am going to be much more successful if my values are aligned with my companies. Doing so will ensure that I am committed and passionate about my work, which has a better chance of leading to success. I wouldn’t feel comfortable working for a company that practiced in lying and cheating to achieve its objectives. 6. â€Å"It is incumbent on the people who work with them (bosses) to observer them, to find out how they work, and to adapt themselves to what makes their bosses more effective†. It has always been a goal of mine to keep all of my work off my boss’s plate, and to take responsibility for everything involving the products that I work on. The entire product might not be my responsibility but the more I can take on, the more my boss can be strategic. 7. â€Å"The theory of business becomes â€Å"culture. †But culture is no substitute for discipline, and the theory of the business is a discipline†. A company with a good culture that you are comfortable with might not necessarily relate to results. Culture doesn’t necessarily meet deadlines. Tasks and rules seem to have a better chance of meeting guidelines than â€Å"family business†. 8. â€Å"All events but the truly unique require a generic solution†. I think of how the Product Development Process that has recently been applied to all of the products where I work and how every single one fits in at some phase of that process. The products had a problem being completed. Now we see the end with the implementation of a generic process. 9. Temps are a good way to avoid rules and regulations for employers. A highly trained temp can do the job without the corporate commitment and the need to adhere to hiring/firing HR standards that apply to every day employees. The employees are also easily manageable since many of them are already managed by their agencies. 10. â€Å"Leadership knows something someone else doesn’t†. This is the most important takeaway for me. Some people think leadership means type-a personality or being stern, but knowledge truly is power. Knowing something someone else doesn’t puts you in the front, with an opportunity to teach and display, some functions of what many people consider leaders. How to cite Classic Drucker Book Report, Essay examples
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Stories of Your Life and Others Review Essay Example
Stories of Your Life and Others Review Paper Essay on Stories of Your Life and Others Ethans main thesis is that people who do not love the Lord, just do not understand it; God really merciless, unkind and unjust, and those who do not recognize this truth, never fail to fall in love with his true love. And if you aspire sincerely love the Lord, he must be ready to do it, regardless of any of its intentions with respect to you. Well, what can I say, I seem to have found another favorite science fiction. They became simple American boy with a simple American name Chan . Hell is the absence of God the next experiment the author of a small adjustment we okurazhayuschey reality. Imagine that you live in a world where the issue of trust / do not believe in God not worth it. He does not exist for one simple reason God is. People are constantly see angels (they are even part of mass culture), and each departure of the soul rendered and you can see whether the person flew to Paradise, or opened up the solid and nizvegnulsya it into Hell. Oh, hell do cool stuff. From time to time arranged hellish presentation. The earth under the feet of passers-by becomes transparent and you can watch a hell of life-being, which is not much different from the life of the earth We will write a custom essay sample on Stories of Your Life and Others Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Stories of Your Life and Others Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Stories of Your Life and Others Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Each of the angels coming accompanied by equally as miracles and misfortunes.. Appear some Nathaniel in all its radiant mosche and beauty and hand of his heal the suffering, but on the other hand, the exhaust from a reactive metaphysical engine, by which the angelic carcass moves may well bring down the house and the ruins of the people will die . Here is a harmony. And, of course, each time after these visits, people are divided into bestow benefits and those who murmur, not realizing the inscrutability of the ways of the Lord. One of these denied and became our protagonist Neil Fisk whose wife died rugged glass windows exploded, when the angel appeared. Oh, miracle! one of those who was there no one was hurt! The main dilemma Fisk becomes the ascension of his beloved wife in Paradise. Rather, he wanted her to descend into Hell then do not hesitate for a second, he would have committed suicide to cast into hell for his beloved. But the knock on the pearly gates more difficult. But love is pushing on madness, and even in the gates you can find a loophole Stories Ted Chan is undoubtedly good for its grotesque scenes, deep thoughts, and ideas -. Which can be happy to stop and think. Good and language (translation). Very poetic. But what is especially good Ted Chiang the fact that he technician by training. And because, in his stories all logical narrative goes smoothly one comes from another and there are no contradictions, better still immerses the reader in the space of the work, though in reality Read the story of Ted Chan. : Hell is the absence of God
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Solar Power essays
Solar Power essays It is the year 2032. The world we live in is not that much different from the one that we occupied no more than thirty years ago. We still have schools, we still have crime and we still share love as much as we do hate. Things are better off for the most part. One prominent difference is the disappearance of fossil fuels. They are so rare that the government has stockpiled all that is left and has gone in favor of a new source of energy. The source is solar power. After a little refinement and condensation of the materials involved, solar power is now our most prominent form of energy. But how did it happen? How did solar power prove to be the wave of the future? We live in a day and age where resources are slowly becoming fewer and more far between. With the combination of gas being burned up in our vehicles at an alarming rate and the United States relations with the Middle East not being as superb as they used to be we are being faced with a growing concern. What can we do about our energy shortage? The short term answer is the reserves that are loaded into Alaska. That's all fine and good for the time being but what about even a hundred years in the future? Can we depend on Alaska's supplies to be there? The smart answer is 'no'. So new sources of energy will be required. Nuclear fusion and fission are not viable answers yet and hydro power may not have what it takes. The changes of a water powered car are not that good. Solar power seems to be the answer. Solar powered cars are already being developed and a few million of so dollar in research money tossed in its development could be all that is needed to make it a reality. The development of photovoltaic conversion is what will make solar energy a viable source of power.1 Photovoltaic conversion is utilized in solar cells that can be easily installed in developmental cars. They harness energy directly from the sun and power the vehicle. There a ...
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Finding Time to Write in High School
Finding Time to Write in High School Finding Time to Write in High School Finding Time to Write in High School By Maeve Maddox I am still in high school and therefore (due to AP classes) have little or no time to write.  I have tried to make time to write at least half a page every day (not a continuing story, just whatever comes to mind at the time) and I cannot even find time to do THAT!  I really want to continue my writing and I want to improve, but I just cant find the time. Do you have any suggestions as to what I can do to improve my vocabulary, grammar, writing and my flow of ideas that will not take up too much time? NOTE: This reader is referring to Advanced Placement classes. AP courses are college courses made available to high school students. They are generally considered to be more rigorous than general high school courses and usually require more reading and writing. This note from a young reader made me think of the story about the young man who was in love with a young woman. Her family moved to another town a thousand miles away. Distraught, the young man went to the local sage and told him his sad story. The sage looked at him thoughtfully and then spoke. â€Å"How is it, young man, that you love this young woman and she is a thousand miles away?†Writing is like love. You go the distance. You find the time. High School Students Have More Time Than Adults One of my greatest regrets as I head into my retirement years is that I wasted so much time because of the petrifying notion that I had to wait to get serious about writing until after I’d met all my domestic responsibilities. Women caring for husbands and pre-schoolers, and men working two jobs to keep their children in clothes and school supplies are certainly at a disadvantage if professional writing is their goal. Nevertheless if the desire is strong enough, they’ll steal hours from their sleep to find the time to put words to paper. Unlike an adult caught up in the necessities of providing for the needs of others, a high school AP student has opportunities built into the work day. Every situation differs, I know, but it seems to me that an AP student would find plenty of opportunity to â€Å"improve vocabulary, grammar, writing and flow of ideas†in the process of doing the AP course work. Vocabulary A course in any discipline, even math, can provide vocabulary growth as the student learns the specialized terms of the subject. An AP English course is a gift for the budding writer. It provides the opportunity for close reading of serious literature. Not only will such reading add to the student’s vocabulary, it will do it in a way that cramming on vocabulary lists will never do because the words are presented in context. AP History will not only provide new vocabulary, it will furnish the student’s mind with ideas and information that one day can be distilled into fiction or personal essay writing. Nothing is lost to the writer. That’s where writers have it all over non-writers. Even a tedious wait in a doctor’s office provides material. Grammar Like vocabulary, grammar is better learned from reading than from doing isolated exercises. A common fault that I see in the writing of many young people is the uncertain grasp of prepositions. Many young native English speakers use prepositions as if English were their second language. If they read widely, they’d absorb the idioms. Writing and Flow of Ideas An AP English syllabus I pulled up on the web requires eleven essays. How is this not a built-in opportunity for writing practice? Some of the works of literature being studied for this class are The Canterbury Tales, The Inferno and All Quiet on the Western Front. Like I said, a gift. Courses other than AP English offer plenty of opportunity for improving writing and flow of ideas. For example, not all textbooks are well-written. Some seem designed to put the reader to sleep. Students of writing can read textbooks on any subject not just for information, but for style. They can compare the interesting parts with the soporific ones. What makes the writing slow down? Is it sentence length? Is it unnecessarily erudite vocabulary? What about transitions? What words does the writer use to get from one idea to the next? How could the writing be improved? Make Your Courses Work for You The young writer who set me this question is to be admired for recognizing the fact that writing must be cultivated. My advice, try to stop seeing the AP coursework as an impediment to writing and make it work for you. The practice of writing half a page a day was a great idea. Resume it if at all possible. If all you can find is ten minutes, write a few lines. If nothing else, take the time to write the words â€Å"I am a writer†before you drop off to sleep. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Great Similes from Literature to Inspire YouBroadcast vs Broadcasted as Past FormWords That Begin with Q
Friday, February 14, 2020
Topics in Literature English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Topics in Literature English - Essay Example Characterization can be a simple or a complex process. Basically, characterization is what characters "say" and "do" (The National Library Literacy Strategy, 2001, p. 2). Each character is seen as being made up of a number of dimensions: sense of identity, age, gender, religious persuasion, temperament, physical appearance, values, expectations, dreams, disappointments, inadequacies and loss, to name a few. The Shreklisch Onion Layer Model of characterization stresses that the psychological profile of the fictional character must incorporate emotions, back-story, beliefs, practices and intentions (Wikipedia, 2006). It is by way of the language and actions of the character within the text that the reader is able to understand what are happening and why, without having to be told directly (i.e. indirect characterization). Although, with fiction that presents a completely new dimension of existence it may be necessary to spell out character specifics to the reader, due to the ambiguity inherent in novel texts (i.e., direct characterization). In most novels, plays, and essays, characterization develops along with the storyline and functions to support the fictional themes. Characters take time to create for an author, as they are getting to know another person, and aspects of who they are and how they interpret their world and respond to it in a way that is contingent on their values, requires the author to reflect on their own ways of thinking and behaving. A story may be completed driven by its characters; they are the key to unlocking the story. In such cases, the plot tends to come first, like a seed crystal of an idea that radiates out patterns of complexity and beauty in storylines as it creates the possibilities for characters to arise from the situations or settings (The National Library Literacy Strategy, 2001).The physical description of a character provides the reader with a general framework about the 'person': age, gender, ethnicity, physical appearance, style of dress, geo-historical location, and the way t he character moves. The reactions and responses of the character give the reader insight into the character's core values and attitudes (English Online, 1998). The dialogue of each character can provide the reader with deeper psychological insight of the character. The language that a character uses, their use of intonation, as well as use of pauses and silences, can instil in the reader the true feelings of what that character is experiencing. The surroundings enrich the background for the reader, making the characters more believable and understandable. This detail needs to incorporate all of the character's senses and perceptions of the setting. It is the author's ability to sew together the dialogue, reactions and descriptions that enables characterization to occur (The National Library Literacy Strategy, 2001). It is important that the author be aware that characters need to develop due to their fictional experiences, in order to come to life and 'be real". However, it is also essential that each character have a consistency of character as well, and it is this balance that leads the author through the characterization process.Ultimately, characterization requires the author develop characters by giving them; identity (e.g., have a name, appearance, values, temperament); creating
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Introduction to statistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Introduction to statistics - Essay Example Line graphs also allow us to see overall trends such as an increase or decrease in data over time. Clearly, looking at the graph we don’t observe any disparity in the data given The intuition can further be confirmed from the t-test significance analysis conducted. From the table below, the percent of goods moved in the year 2000 was 16.53 while that moved in the year 2009 was 15.69, this shows no significant difference. Also from the same table (table 2), we observe that the p-value=0.206>0.05 (significance level), we thus fail to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that indeed there is no significant difference in the goods moved in the year 2000 and those moved in the year 2009. In this part we regressed the 2009 data on the 2000 data since the data was found to follow a normal distribution we opted to use a parametric test (Bivariate regression analysis), we used bivariate because we only had two variables to test (simple linear regression) and the model produced
Friday, January 24, 2020
Jimmy Carters Presidency :: Free Essays
     James Earl Carter Jr. had become the 39th president of the United States in 1976. The Democrat and once Georgia senator had promised to bring a fresh, new approach to the White House in hopes to break people’s doubts about the presidency that were left from the Nixon/Ford era. In the election of 1976 Carter squeaked by the republican, Gerald Ford by a 49.9% vote to a 46.9% vote.      Carter had differed greatly from all of the previous presidents in several ways. He brought a more informal, â€Å"homey†feeling to the White House. Instead of the tradition suit wearing he wore jeans around the White House and once gave a speech on national TV. At first this was liked by the American public, but his image later suffered because he dropped the ceremonial style of the presidency.      Carter had made many advances in his foreign policy. To resolve the conflict in the Middle East, he invited Anwar el-Sadat of Egypt and Menachem Begin of Israel to sign the Camp David Accords. Under the accords it was agreed that Israel would pull out of the Sinai Peninsula in exchange for Egypt’s recognizing them as a country. Carter also had made a deal with the Panamanian government on the situation of the Panama Canal. It was agreed upon that the canal would be given back to Panama in 2000. Relations with China and Russia were also improved upon during Carter’s presidency. There was one situation that had permanently damaged Carter’s reputation and ruined his chances of re-election. This was the Iran hostage situation. The former ruler of Iran was given medical treatment in the U.S. This had angered the people of Iran and they stormed the U.S. embassy, taking all of the people working there hostage. This lasted for 400 days and destroyed Carter’s reputation politically.      During his presidency, Carter had several problems domestically. There was an oil shortage, forcing gas prices to skyrocket. Jimmy Carter's Presidency :: Free Essays      James Earl Carter Jr. had become the 39th president of the United States in 1976. The Democrat and once Georgia senator had promised to bring a fresh, new approach to the White House in hopes to break people’s doubts about the presidency that were left from the Nixon/Ford era. In the election of 1976 Carter squeaked by the republican, Gerald Ford by a 49.9% vote to a 46.9% vote.      Carter had differed greatly from all of the previous presidents in several ways. He brought a more informal, â€Å"homey†feeling to the White House. Instead of the tradition suit wearing he wore jeans around the White House and once gave a speech on national TV. At first this was liked by the American public, but his image later suffered because he dropped the ceremonial style of the presidency.      Carter had made many advances in his foreign policy. To resolve the conflict in the Middle East, he invited Anwar el-Sadat of Egypt and Menachem Begin of Israel to sign the Camp David Accords. Under the accords it was agreed that Israel would pull out of the Sinai Peninsula in exchange for Egypt’s recognizing them as a country. Carter also had made a deal with the Panamanian government on the situation of the Panama Canal. It was agreed upon that the canal would be given back to Panama in 2000. Relations with China and Russia were also improved upon during Carter’s presidency. There was one situation that had permanently damaged Carter’s reputation and ruined his chances of re-election. This was the Iran hostage situation. The former ruler of Iran was given medical treatment in the U.S. This had angered the people of Iran and they stormed the U.S. embassy, taking all of the people working there hostage. This lasted for 400 days and destroyed Carter’s reputation politically.      During his presidency, Carter had several problems domestically. There was an oil shortage, forcing gas prices to skyrocket.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Nflpa Player Safety
NFLPA Player Safety The National Football League has become the most exciting and thrilling sports league to watch in the last few decades. Most recently players have become much faster and bigger than in the past and the safety of their lives have become a risk. Recently the NFL has been subjected to a large amount of controversy and criticism dealing with how they have handled player safety. This issue has come to the forefront because concussions have become a weekly occurrence.In the last few years it has been studied then proven by doctors that former players have suffered traumatic brain injuries from hits to the head during their NFL careers. As a fan of the NFL, I believe it’s best for the game that the NFL makes some change so players are protected for their safety but then again you can’t take away what the nature of this sport is which is a hard hitting dangerous sport. The NFL who is led by league commissioner Roger Goodell needs to find a way to make the ga me safer by keeping the players safe, fans entertained, and team owner’s content.As one of the biggest issues in today’s NFL, I decided to pursue the question, are major changes needed to be taken towards player safety for the wellbeing of the NFL and the players? There is a high probability that a mutual agreement will never happen between the two but that doesn’t mean that new rules and policies won’t continue to be implemented for testing. The NFL has recently tried to implement new rules and policies to delay and prevent the highly rising concussion rate.They have changed to shorter kickoffs to reduce high impact hits and have also introduced stricter guidelines for player conduct on the field which includes fines for illegal helmet-to-helmet hits deemed inappropriate by the NFL. Are these changes the answer though? There is more needed to be done then just changing a few rules that will ultimately have a small impact on this large scale problem. Many other strong options for change include equipment improvements, concussion research, and enforcing penalties to illegal hits. Roger Goodell said throughout history, football has evolved and become safer and better, and the future of the sport relies on the ability to continue to do so. When it comes to the priority of the league, Goodell made it clear safety comes first†(SBNation). However the NFLPA does not believe the NFL is doing enough to protect its members. NFLPA Executive Director DeMaurice Smith has been demanding the placement of doctors on every sideline during games to help diagnose and treat concussions.This issue has to be taken seriously because within the past year nearly one hundred former players have filed pleas against the NFL and want them held responsible for the players suffering from traumatic head injuries. Concussions are serious and they happen weekly in the NFL to players of all positions due to the tremendous force these players are hit with. The short and long term effects of concussions can be devastating to the human mind. Not only does the brain suffer long term physical damage but many players often suffer from long term mental problems.A prime example of someone who had been affected by head trauma was former linebacker Junior Seau. Recently â€Å"a team of scientists who analyzed the brain tissue of renowned NFL linebacker Junior Seau after his suicide last year have concluded the football player suffered a debilitating brain disease caused by two decades worth of hits to the head†(ABCNews). Junior Seau who had a 20 year NFL career was diagnosed with chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) after his death. The real question is what could’ve the NFL done to prevent such a terrible tragedy or did they not have the capability to control what happened to him?The NFL has said many times that it did not intentionally hide the dangers of concussions from players and is doing everything it can to protect them. W ith the focus on head injuries in football being put under a microscope the past few seasons, the NFL is taking drastic measures trying to find solutions that will help in the future. New helmet designs are a needed advancement to help create a safer NFL. With improvements to helmets that will help reduce head injuries gradually but it is still not the lone solution if players continue to tackle improperly and go for head shots.During 2012 there was an estimate of nearly 160 NFL players who suffered concussions during this season. That’s a huge problem because recent studies link concussions to causing mental problems and has also been shown to lead to Alzheimer’s disease. In reaction to this issue the NFL has become concerned about head injuries and has commanded the tests of 11 new helmet designs from five manufacturers in the last couple years. On the other hand, there is a belief that helmets can only do so much as oncussions are mostly caused because of the gladia tor mentality that the players play with because they want to make an EPSN top play. â€Å"While helmets are being designed larger and more protective, concussions still occur regularly. It’s unlikely that they will ever be eliminated completely. Indeed, helmet technology has come a long way since the leather caps worn by old-time footballers, but helmet makers believe their products can only do so much to keep players safe in a culture that glorifies the big hit†(SmartPlanet).New technology in helmets and equipment is much needed for the protection of the players and should continue to be a building block for player safety. Rule changing has become a yearly tradition for the NFL as they try and create new ways to make the game safer even if the players and NFLPA don’t agree upon it. Most recently, Roger Goodell implemented shorter kickoffs which moved the kickoff spot up five yards from the 30 to the 35 yard line to decrease injuries, but would now largely inc rease the number of touchbacks.This rule change could have a negative effect by eliminating the job prospects of special team’s players. â€Å"Cleveland Browns kick returner Josh Cribbs, the league's career leader with eight kickoff returns for touchdowns, has been irate since owners, citing the need to protect players from violent collisions, announced the change during the lockout in March. †â€Å"I don't see (injury) stats behind it, and that's what the issue was,†Cribbs said last week. â€Å"There's no stats to back it up. Their intentions are good, but the stats aren't there to back up the reasoning†(ESPN).During the last month a rule change that the NFL has implemented was met with high opposition as former and current players disagree with the intention of changing the game. The new rule states that ball carriers would be penalized if they lower their head to deliver a blow. â€Å"The proposed rule change for running backs might be the most abs urd suggestion of a rule change I've ever heard of. In order to lower ur shoulder u obviously have to lower ur head. It's a way of protecting ur self from a tackler and a way to break tackles†(Matt Forte twitter).The real question is has the NFL become too overprotective? Yes delivering a blow with the crown of your helmet can be the starting point of a concussion but is it worth taking away important parts of the game. The NFL is the greatest sports league in North America, but there are major decisions to be made in the next decade that could decide the future of the NFL. Ultimately, how sustainable is the NFL? With the hits becoming more and more violent and with players getting bigger, faster and stronger every year, how can the NFL survive long-term with such violence?It might take something horribly tragic before the NFL will act upon the state of the game and make genuine changes to aid player safety. But then again NFL players understand the risks of the profession th ey chose, nobody forces them to play football. At some point, the NFL is going to have to force players to accept the risks associated with playing football. Nothing can make football a completely safe game no matter what rules or innovations are created. There will always be physical athletes forcing violent collisions.The NFL can’t take away the heart and soul of the game just to make it safer. In my opinion the NFL has to embrace the physicality of the game and assume the risks that run along with promoting a violent sport but they should still continue researching the causes of concussions for a future solution. The years ahead will show if the NFLPA and NFL can ever meet a mutual agreement to satisfy the needs of their players and their safety in the long and short term future.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Swot Analysis Strategic Management - 1585 Words
Strategic Management is a set of upper level management decisions and actions that will determines the long term objectives and performance of a corporation. It accomplishes this task by including a variety of tools and analysis techniques, which will implement, evaluate and control the general direction of a company. This is done through strategy formulation which begins with a situational analysis that emphasizes the monitoring and evaluating of external opportunities and threats in light of a corporation ´s strengths and weaknesses (Wheelen and Hunger, 2006; Saloner et al., 2001). The objective of this paper is to describe, analyze and discuss advantages and disadvantages of a concept named SWOT, which stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. These are the concepts that are frequently used as tools for the analyzing of all external environments of an organization including their internal factors that constitutes its structure (Wheelen and Hunger, 2006). SWO T analysis came first came about from research that was conducted at the Stanford Research Institute in the late 1960 ´s. The idealization of SWOT analysis came from the necessity to discover why some corporate planning continued to failed. Many fortune 500 companies wanted to find out what could they do with the research discovered in Stanford. Albert Humphrey Along with a select few from his research team began testing SWOT as a tool and when it became practical SWOT became a corporate planningShow MoreRelatedSwots: Strategic Management and Swot Analysis10122 Words  | 41 Pages SWOT usage SWOT has been used by countless practitioners, marketing researchers, and is a frequent and popular tool for business marketing and strategy students. Its simplicity and catchy acronym perpetuates its usage in business and beyond as the tool is used to assess alternatives and complex decision situations. In the business arena the grouping of internal and external issues is a frequent starting point for strategic planning. It can be constructed quickly and can benefit from multiple viewpointsRead MoreSwots: Strategic Management and Swot Analysis10111 Words  | 41 Pages SWOT usage SWOT has been used by countless practitioners, marketing researchers, and is a frequent and popular tool for business marketing and strategy students. Its simplicity and catchy acronym perpetuates its usage in business and beyond as the tool is used to assess alternatives and complex decision situations. In the business arena the grouping of internal and external issues is a frequent starting point for strategic planning. It can be constructed quickly and can benefit from multiple viewpointsRead MoreStrategic Management and Swot Analysis1633 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿ Amongst all the novelties, trends, and fashions appearing in the field of strategic management during the last decades, the SWOT analysis, standing for: strengths, weaknesses opportunities, and threats has enjoyed a long lasting popularity among both practitioners and researchers. The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate that SWOT analysis can be used for both businesses and individuals. In the 60s swot analysis was invented at the Harvard business School for the purpose of analysing caseRead MoreSwot Analysis : Strategic Management1152 Words  | 5 PagesStrategic management is an approach to help leaders forecast the direction of their organization. This approach helps organizational leaders gauge the quality of its services, products, and/or internal systems by performing internal and external audits. These audits help leaders identify the internal strengths and weakness, and the external threats and opportunities (SWOT) within a given market. This analytic framework helps leaders forecast contingencies and help leaders develop strategies toRead MoreSwot Analysis : Strategic Management1390 Words  | 6 PagesContext Analysis Strategic management is an important part of business planning. It helps create strategies for better performance, profit, and future success. Analysis of both internal and external factors is vital for a company’s proper growth. Culture, the perspectives of the company’s employees, managers, owners and clientele, and the structural and environmental elements that effect the operation of the business are all examined in the strategic management process. The purpose of this paperRead MoreSwot Analysis : Strategic Management Essay1152 Words  | 5 PagesThe term strategic management refers to the recognition and portrayal of the strategies that are pursued by the managers for the achievement of better performance goals and having a competitive advantage. To determine if an organisation has a competitive advantage, its profitability should be focused and analysed if it the measure if above average of all the businesses in the industry. The decisions taken by the managem ent committee of the organization and the acts to decide the outcomes of the business’sRead MoreSwot Analysis : Strategic Management1547 Words  | 7 PagesPESTEL analysis is a tool or framework for marketers. It is very effective when seeking to analyze and screen the external marketing environment of the company. Strategic management tool gauges the macro environmental factors. It is prudent to follow PESTEL framework since different macro-environmental factors can affect a business strategy. PESTEL framework are interdependent of each other, they are dependent factors. Understanding PESTEL is critical prior to entry into a new country. The factRead MoreCango: Strategic Management and Swot Analysis1501 Words  | 7 Pagesmeetings. We prepared a SWOT analysis to show what the company needs to improve on and what the company can expect in the future. According to Jaja Suteja (2003) â€Å"The SWOT analysis provides information that is helpful in matching the firm s resources and a capability to the competitive environment in which it operates. As such, it is instrumental in strategy formulation and selection. A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning process. EnvironmentalRead MoreSwot Analysis : Organizational Strategic Management1744 Words  | 7 Pages SWOT Analysis: Organizational Strategic Management Calvin McLemore St. Thomas University, Miami, FL May 27, 2017 Introduction For this is a SWOT Analysis, this author chose to explore the international retailer IKEA. This organization was chosen because of the emphasis on globalization, international interests and overall functionality of the products. Crandall, Parnell, and Spillan (2013) states that a SWOT Analysis is â€Å"based on a systematic, comprehensive analysis of internalRead MoreSwot Analysis : Strategic Planning And Management Essay1304 Words  | 6 PagesCHAPTER IX STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, OPPORTUNITIES, AND THREATS ANALYSIS Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of a particular business venture are the four elements that is being evaluated in the SWOT Analysis. It is a planning method that is usually carried out by a company or organization specifying the objective of the business and identifying internal strengths and weaknesses plus external opportunities and threats that are both favorable and unfavorable to attain that certain objective
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